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( erortzen utzi)

  • 1 erori

    iz. (L) fall ; \erori itsusi egin zuen he had a nasty fall io.
    1. ( goibel) gloomy, downcast ; eguraldi \erori gloomy weather
    2. emaciated; begitarte \eroria zuen her face was emaciated da/ad.
    a. to fall; atzerantz \erori to fall backwards; lurrera \erori to fall to the ground; zalditik \erori zen he fell off his horse; e-r erortzen utzi to drop sth; belauniko \erori to fall on one's knees
    b. ( lurrera, zorura) to fall down
    c. ( teilatua, kobazuloa) to collapse, fall in; tumble down
    d. ( ilea) to fall out ; ilea \erori zitzaion his hair fell out
    e. ( etxe, eraikuntza) to fall down, collapse
    f. (esa.) ez \erori bai \erori sartu zen he staggered in ; \eroriz, \eroriz oinez ikasten da failure teaches success | in doing we learn ; zerraldo \erori zen he dropped dead
    2. [ zaio ] to drop; liburua \erori zitzaidan I dropped the book; arraioa!, lorontzia erori zait darn!, I dropped the vase
    3. Aeron. to crash
    a. Mil. ( p. guduan) to fall
    b. Mil. ( hiria, herria, herrialdea) to fall, be captured
    c. (Pol.) (gobernua) to fall; gobernua \erori da the government's fallen
    5. ( nahigabetu) to sink; bihotza \erori zitzaion his heart sank ; gogoak \eroriak dituzte they're disheartened
    6. ( haizea) to die down, go down
    7. -(r)en gainera \erori to fall upon
    8. ( egoera oker edo gaizto batera erakarria gertatu) to fall; preso \erori ziren they fell prisoner; ez gaitzazula utz tentaldian erortzen lead us not into temptation; etsaien eskuetan \erori zen he fell into the hands of his enemies Oharra: erori duten esaerak aurkitzeko, bila itzazu izenaren, adjektiboaren eta abarren adieran, adib., bihotza erori aurkitzeko, bila ezazu bihotz adieran

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > erori

  • 2 askatu

    io. [from Lat. "lascare" (release, let go, untie)] loose, unbound, unconfined du/ad.
    1. ( korapiloa) to untie, undo
    b. ( soinekoa) to undo, unzip
    c. ( gerrikoa) to unbuckle, unfasten
    d. ( teink dagoena, soka) to slacken, loosen
    e. ( fardel) to unbind
    f. ( amarra) to cast off
    g. ( kandau, zerrailu) to unlock
    a. ( joaten utzi) to let go of, unhand; \askatu ni! let go of me! | let me go! | unhand me!; \askatu mutila! let the boy go! | let go of the boy! | unhand the boy!
    b. ( erortzen utzi) to drop
    a. ( presoa) to release, set free, let go; espetxeratuak askatzeko in order to release the prisoners
    b. ( animalia) to turn loose, let go, let out; kaiolako txoria \askatu to let the caged bird out; sarean eroritako animalia \askatu to {let || cut} a trapped animal loose
    c. (Pol.) Euskadi askatzeko in order to free Euskadi; herri zapalduak \askatu to {free || liberate} oppressed peoples
    d. (irud.) bekatutik \askatu to {release || deliver || redeem} from sin; i-r etsaien eskuetatik \askatu to deliver sb from the clutch of one' s enemies; egiak \askatuko zaitu the truth shall set you free
    4. ( hertsirik zegoena) to release; barneko sentimenduak \askatu to {unleash || release} one' s innermost feelings
    5. ( eragozpenak kendu) to open up, clear
    6. Tek.
    a. ( enbragea) to disengage, release
    b. ( balazta) to release
    7. Mat. to solve; ekuazioak \askatu to solve equations da/ad.
    a. ( korapiloa) to come {undone || untied}; lokarriak \askatu zaizkizu! your shoelaces have come undone!
    b. (Josk.) ( jostura) to come unstitched
    a. ( animalia) to break loose, get loose, free o.s.
    b. ( harrapatuta dagoen norbait) to break free, pry o.s. loose, get free
    3. Tek. ( zati)
    a. ( torlojua, e.a.) to work loose, come loose
    b. ( aldendu) to fall off, fly off, come off

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > askatu

  • 3 harri

    [from *karr-] iz.
    1. ( gaia) stone, rock (USA) ; hau \harria baino gogorragoa da this is harder than a rock; \harri leundu to polish stone
    b. ( etxegintzari, artegintzari d.) stone
    c. [ izenen aurrean ] stone-; H\harri Aroa Stone Age; \harri-puska piece of stone
    2. ( gai horren zatia, puska)
    a. stone, rock (USA) ; poliziei \harriak bota zizkieten they threw {stones || rocks} at the police; bekaturik ez duena lehen jaurtiki dezala let he who is without sin cast the first stone; \harri artean erortzen da gari-hazia the wheat seed falls amid the rocks; dabilen \harriari ez zaio goroldiorik lotzen (atsot.) a rolling stone gathers no moss (atsot.) ; \harri xeheak gravel | pebbles (atsot.)
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] stone-, rock-; of stone; \harri mokor bat a chunk of stone; \harri-meta pile of {stones || rocks}; \harri-pila pile of {stones || rocks}
    a. stone; harea-\harri sandstone; ikatz-\harri coal; kare-\harri limestone; diamantezko \harria bezain gogorra as hard as a diamond stone; \harri preziatu precious stone
    b. \harri landu ashlar | block of stone; \harri urdin lapislazuli; \harri ustel slate, shale; \harri zabal flagstone
    4. ( gai horren zati, erabilera bereziren bat duena)
    a. stone; dema-\harri contest stone | dragging stone; esne-\harri rock for boiling milk; habaila-\harri sling stone; 312 kiloko \harria jaso zuen he lifted a 312 kilo stone
    b. [izenen aurrean] \harri-jasotzaile stone lifter
    5. (irud.) \harri eta {zur || belarri} gelditu to be absolutely {stunned || shocked}; Ruandako sarraski izugarriek guztiok \harri eta zur utzi gintuzten the terrible massacres in Rwanda deeply shocked us all; \harri eta makila like {crazy || mad}; \harri eta makila erabiltzen dute (NG) they work his {butt || tail end} off; \harri eta horma ukatu (B) to deny categorically; \harri batez bi kolpe egin to kill two birds with one stone
    a. Met. hailstone; \harria egin du it's hailed; kazkabarra eta \harria ari ziren it was hailing down; buruan dut, udaberriko egun batean, nolako \harria egin zuen, aza landareak jarri gure baratzean eta ordubete baino lehen I recall on a spring day how it hailed within an hour after planting cabbage plants in our garden ; \harriak jota struck by hail
    b. (irud.) ( kalte) haren aurrean esan dituen berbetan \harri batu dio bere buruari he brought it upon himself for saying the words he did in front of her
    7. Med.
    a. stone; gibel-\harri gallstone; gibelean ez dik \harri asko! (NG) i. he doesn't have many gallstones ii. (irud.) he's as fit as a fiddle
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] \harri-mina du he's suffering from a {gallstone || kidney stone}
    8. sink; \harrikoa egin to wash the dishes | to do the washing up; goiz guztian, \harritik urten barik nago I've been washing dishes non-stop all morning
    9. Kir. ( h.g. pilota-\harri) ball; elkarri pilota-\harrian txanda ematen ziotela in which they took turns hitting the ball to each other

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > harri

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